jQuery Is Seriously Underrated
16 points by rizs12 2 days ago | 14 comments
The mainstream opinion seems to be that jQuery is outdated because vanilla JavaScript can work uniformally across virtually all modern browsers.
But I've been playing around with jQuery for the first time and wow - it's much more enjoyable to work with than vanilla JavaScript is.
Granted I don't work with JavaScript professionally (I use Java at work) so I might be overlooking jQuery cons that only become apparent in large professional codebases.
legitster 2 days ago | next |
> jQuery is used by 93.4% of all the websites whose JavaScript library we know.
Maybe jQuery is seen as outdated in the backend world, but I can assure you that in the webdev world jQuery and Javascript are almost entirely synonymous.
Someone might try to say that hammers are outdated in a world where a nailgun exists, but I can assure you the hardware store sells a lot more hammers than they do nailguns. (In this analogy jQuery would be a hammer and vanilla javascript would be pounding in nails with a big dumb rock).